Daily Archives: October 25, 2011

Joint Health

Early diagnosis and appropriate management of arthritis, including self-management activities, can help people with arthritis decrease pain, improve function, stay productive, and lower health care costs. Key self-management activities include the following: Learn Arthritis Management Strategies Learning techniques to reduce pain and limitations can be beneficial to people with arthritis. […]

Joint Health Advice in Mallorca

Safety in Mallorca

4 Ways to Be Safer 1

Are you prepared if there is an emergency in your community? The National Safety Council, American Heart Association and American Red Cross have teamed up to sponsor National Safety Month. These organizations want you to focus on four important safety topics this June: 1. Emergency Preparedness 2. Distracted Driving 3. […]

The Surprising Second Leading Cause of Death in the U.S. 1

In a study published in the May issue of the American Journal of Preventive Medicine, researchers came to a surprising conclusion: hospitalizations for poisoning by prescription medication has increased by 65 percent from 1999 to 2006. The rates of unintentional poisoning– from prescription opioids, sedatives and tranquilizers in the U.S. […]

Medical Advice in Mallorca

First Aid at Mediterranean Quality Care Services

10 Common First-Aid Mistakes

1. Myth: Cut a snakebite “The safest thing to do for snakebite is just splint the limb and go to the hospital,” says Christopher P. Holstege, M.D., an emergency medicine doctor and toxicology expert. “Cutting the bite wound could sever tendons, nerves or arteries or increase the risk of infection, […]

Don’t Swallow Everything

We’ll help you separate the facts from the fiction. MYTH – It’s OK to skip breakfast Your body probably won’t have had nourishment for 12 hours, so definitely not. Even just a simple breakfast of cereal or toast can provide lots of vitamins and minerals. Miss breakfast, and you might […]

Health Eating at Mediterranean Quality Care