medical advice

Safety in Mallorca

4 Ways to Be Safer 1

Are you prepared if there is an emergency in your community? The National Safety Council, American Heart Association and American Red Cross have teamed up to sponsor National Safety Month. These organizations want you to focus on four important safety topics this June: 1. Emergency Preparedness 2. Distracted Driving 3. […]

The Surprising Second Leading Cause of Death in the U.S. 1

In a study published in the May issue of the American Journal of Preventive Medicine, researchers came to a surprising conclusion: hospitalizations for poisoning by prescription medication has increased by 65 percent from 1999 to 2006. The rates of unintentional poisoning– from prescription opioids, sedatives and tranquilizers in the U.S. […]

Medical Advice in Mallorca

4 Surprising Reasons Women Can’t Lose Weight 2

Written by Jennifer Benjamin from If you’re doing everything “right” and can’t seem to lose weight, you may have a hidden health condition. Most of us already know that eating less and moving more are the keys to dropping extra pounds. But if you’re already doing everything “right” and […]

Weightloss Advice in Mallorca

Medical Advice from Mediterrean Quality Care


Everyone who has had chickenpox is at risk of developing shingles, which is caused by the same herpes virus. The first sign of shingles is usually excessively sensitive, tingling or burning skin where the shingles rash subsequently appears. The area is often painful. At the same time, you may experience […]

Medical Advice from Mediterranean Quality Care Services

Antibiotics and Alcohol

Question: Antibiotics and alcohol: Should I avoid mixing them? What are the effects of drinking alcohol while taking antibiotics? Some antibiotics carry a warning to avoid alcohol. But others don’t. Answer: From James M. Steckelberg, M.D. The effects of combining antibiotics and alcohol can vary, depending on the specific antibiotic. […]

3 Common Causes of Heavy Periods 2

All of us, from time to time, experience what we feel is unusually heavy bleeding during our menstrual periods. Fortunately, most often what we think is abnormal uterine bleeding is not excessive enough to be diagnosed as menorrhagia. How do you know when bleeding during your period is abnormally heavy? […]