Cold and Flu Questions Answered

It’s the season! Clocks have gone back, it’s getting chillier and you start noticing people around you snuffling and sneezing so it can feel inevitable that it will be your turn to catch a cold soon.

Having a cold is never fun. What starts as a tell-tale tickle in the back of your throat can turn into several weeks off sick and spread through your family like wildfire.

When you’re struck down by a stinking cold, it’s common for people to try and go about their normal lives. But should you go to the gym? Drink booze? Or take time off work? GP Dr Emma Pooley from BMI The Park Hospital answers your most common cold and flu questions, so you can focus on getting better.

Can I go to the gym when I have a cold?
A good workout can give you a much-needed energy boost, but will strenuous exercise set your illness back?

‘When you have a cold, your immune system is already activated to fight the infection, so doing strenuous exercise puts your body under additional stress,’ says Dr Pooley.

‘In my opinion, it’s better to rest until you feel able to work out properly again, otherwise you run the risk of prolonging your illness and sabotaging your training sessions further. Listen to your body. If you feel tired, are having trouble breathing and generally are lacking in energy, it’s probably better to give the gym a miss.’

‘A gentle walk in the fresh air is fine, as long as you feel up to it’, says Dr Edward Gaynor from Bupa. ‘You can’t catch a cold by being cold but you should certainly wrap up warm if you do go out. It’s generally not wise to do anything more strenuous – you’ll already be dehydrated, tired and achy, and may be having problems breathing. Exercise will make all of those symptoms worse.’

Can I drink alcohol if I have a cold?
From a hot toddy to a night on the tiles, it’s tempting to try and drink through a cold, but is booze really a cure-all, or will it set you back?

‘Alcohol disrupts sleep, which is essential for your body to make a full recovery, and is also best avoided with some over-the-counter cold remedies,’ says Dr Pooley. ‘My overall opinion would be that it’s best not to drink alcohol when you have a cold. Instead, eat healthy food, drink lots of fluids and rest. If you want a dash of whiskey in your hot toddy, it’s not the end of the world but you’ll probably recover quicker without it.’

Dr Gaynor agrees. ‘My view is that when I have a cold I don’t want to do anything that might prolong it, and alcohol will do that, so I’d avoid it for that reason.’

Should I take time off work with a cold?
If you have a lingering cold, it’s tempting to soldier on and keep going to work, but this could prolong your illness and potentially pass on your germs to co-workers.

‘People do feel guilty about taking time of work with a cold, but you’re unlikely to be productive if you’re tired and don’t feel well, plus you’re likely to be highly contagious in the early stage,’ says Dr Gaynor. ‘If you can rest, do.’

‘My advice here is to use your common sense,’ says Dr Pooley. ‘If you’re running a high temperature, feel exhausted and can barely get out of bed, you’re probably in no fit state to go to work. If, however, you’re past the sneezing and coughing phase and feel well enough to go in, follow best practice in terms of hygiene advice: cough or sneeze into a tissue rather than your hand, and cough into the crook of your elbow to prevent germs from spreading from your hands to other surfaces.’

‘Get a gel hand sanitiser, wash your hands often and thoroughly and use disposable paper towels to dry then with,’ she adds. ‘Remember, though, that you’ll recover faster if you rest properly, and there’s less risk of your cold developing into something nasty like a chest infection if you take the time you need. You don’t want to go back only to find yourself floored by the next virus doing the rounds two weeks later.’

Can I go to a party/kid’s party with a cold?
This one is a no-brainer! ‘Don’t go to a party or children’s party if you’re still coughing and sneezing,’ says Dr Pooley. ‘You’ll still be infectious at this stage so stay away, especially if very little babies will be there. If you’re over the worst and the cold is at the final stages it’s probably OK, but check with the parent first.

When is a cold actually flu?
‘Flu is caused by a completely different virus to those that cause colds,’ says Dr Pooley. ‘The culprit is the influenza virus – strains A and B specifically. Flu is a much more serious illness that can have you bed-bound for several days with a high temperature (38C+), chills, headache, a runny nose and muscles aches and pains.’

‘Flu symptoms come on quickly (colds take longer to develop) so if you sense it’s more than a cold, you can see your GP for prescription drugs that help to reduce the severity of the symptoms – but these are only effective if taken within 48 hours of initial symptoms coming on.’

Dr Gaynor agrees that flu needs to be taken seriously. ‘If you have an underlying illness, are over 65 or suspect a child under three years old has flu, seek medical advice,’ he says.

‘Otherwise, talk to your pharmacist about the best medicine to take to help reduce the symptoms while you recover. Don’t forget to see if you’re eligible for the flu jab.’

Article taken in part from

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All content on this website is provided for general information only, and should not be treated as a substitute for the medical advice of your own doctor or any other health care professional. Always consult your own GP if you’re in any way concerned about your health.

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