Healthy Kids

Tip top tots! Best health advice for all the family.

Allergy Advice from Mallorca

Children Have Fewer Allergies if….

… do the dishes by hand. Well, we didn’t say you were going to like it. Researchers in Sweden found that children living in families that hand-washed their dishes were about 40 percent less likely to develop allergies compared with kids in homes that used a dishwasher, said study researcher […]

Is Breast Really Best?

Breast-feeding babies may not actually have the wide-ranging long term health outcomes we think it does, according to new research published in the journal Social Science & Medicine and reported on Dr Cynthia Colen, a sociology professor at Ohio State University in the US, looked for the first time […]

Sensory Processing Disorder – Back-to-School Tips

Transitioning from summer to a new school year is hard for any child, but it is particularly difficult for children who have trouble processing new sensations, according to an expert on what is known as “sensory processing disorder.” Sensory processing disorder is a neurological problem that affects behavior and learning. […]