4 Ways to Be Safer 1

Are you prepared if there is an emergency in your community? The National Safety Council, American Heart Association and American Red Cross have teamed up to sponsor National Safety Month.
These organizations want you to focus on four important safety topics this June:
1. Emergency Preparedness
2. Distracted Driving
3. Poisoning Prevention
4. Falls Prevention
Emergency Preparedness: “CPR/AED applied within minutes of a heart attack doubles the chance of survival.”
This statistic is reason enough to get trained in CPR/AED (which stand for cardiopulmonary resuscitation and automatic external defibrillation), plus the American Heart Association in April of this year began supporting “hands-only” CPR. This eliminates the need to give mouth-to-mouth resuscitation as part of CPR. Get CPR/AED trained. Learn more.
Distracted Driving: “Nearly 80 percent of crashes involve some form of driver inattention.”
Driving while using a cell phone is dangerous. It distracts drivers from the activity at hand–driving. More and more states are banning cell phone use in the car unless it is hands-free. Put down the phone and pay attention to the road.
Poisoning Prevention: “Prescription drug overdoses are a leading cause of accidental death.”
Statistically, prescription pills in the medicine cabinet are more dangerous that the chemicals stored under the kitchen sink. Use caution when taking medications. Keep the number for the National Poison Center posted. Know your risk of overdose.
Falls Prevention: “Falls are more common than you think–and the leading cause of death among older Americans.”
Keep walkways and stairs clear. Ensure handrails are in good condition. Consider slip-resistant floor coverings where falls are likely. Take a few minutes to make your home safe from falls.
Article taken in part from www.care2.com
All content on this website is provided for general information only, and should not be treated as a substitute for the medical advice of your own doctor or any other health care professional. Always consult your own GP if you’re in any way concerned about your health.

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