Monthly Archives: September 2012

An Apple a Day

Women who eat dried apple every day for a year see a persistent decrease in their cholesterol levels, according to a new study. In comparison, women who ate prunes daily maintained steady levels over a year, suggesting that the fruit could keep cholesterol numbers from rising. “Both apples and dried plum […]

Stress at Work

Work Stress Study

Feeling stressed by your job? Don’t blame your employer a study shows. Work stress, job satisfaction and health problems due to high stress have more to do with genes than you might think, according to research by Timothy Judge, professor of management at the University of Notre Dame’s Mendoza College of […]

Safe & Happy Life

Sometimes health advice can be overwhelming. It changes all the time and it is hard to keep up. Are carbs bad? How much sleep do we need? How big is a portion of fruit? It is easy to throw your hands up in despair and reach for the crisps and […]

Family Health Tips

Safe Alcohol Limits


With the holiday season just around the corner there is plenty of excuses to overindulge with alcohol and it is very easy to do. Without realising it someone who would consider themselves a moderate drinker can easily have too much alcohol too regularly and start to see their health suffering […]