Get Fit in February

The brilliant thing about having January behind you is that by now you have probably come to terms with the fact you broke all of your new years resolutions by the 2nd and are ready to set some realistic expectations about getting healthier. One of the reasons we statistically don’t keep our new years resolutions is that we aim too high. We decide that we are going to adopt a no carbs, mainly vegan diet and will loose 5 stone while giving up smoking and be ready for the iron man/woman competition by the end of the year (having paced a reasonable time in the London Marathon by Easter of course). On day two we are already finding it difficult to face another micro biotic yoghurt and it’s raining…who runs in the rain….?

So how do we get on track and more importantly stay on track. Some great tips on will help you do just that

1. Maintain Momentum

Chances are good that at least once a year — in January, perhaps? — you vow to commit to an exercise program. If you’ve had some trouble with the follow-through, you’re certainly in good company. Yet there are so many compelling reasons to make the commitment again and stick with it. Everyone has a different reason for losing momentum. The bottom line is that if getting fit is important to you, you can do it in less time than it takes to watch the nightly news. In fact, you can do it while you watch the news. If you follow the recommendations of organizations such as the American Council on Exercise and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), what you need to improve your heart health (and reduce your risk of all kinds of other diseases) is a total of 150 minutes of exercise per week or 30 minutes three times a week. You can break it down however you want.

So start today, and use these tips to help you make exercise part of your routine.

2. Set a SMART Goal

In fitness parlance, a SMART goal is one that is Specific, Measurable, and Attainable, and it’s one that you can Reward yourself for meeting as long as you meet it within a certain Time.

Meeting goals is satisfying, and fitness experts say it helps build momentum. Just pay close attention to the “attainable” part of this equation because an unrealistic goal only sets you up to fail. Instead of challenging yourself to exercise daily for 30 minutes when on some days you can’t even get in 15, look at your schedule, and find two days that you can realistically boost your workout time to 30 minutes. It all adds up to get you toward your goal of 150 for the week.

3. Take More Steps Every Day

For nearly a decade, public health experts at the CDC have urged Americans to take 10,000 steps every day. But we’re falling short. A typical American woman takes just 5,210 steps a day, and a man takes around 7,000. People who walk 10,000 steps each day are considered “active.” Those who get in 12,500 steps a day are “highly active.” Buy a pedometer and walk up stairs, park your car further away and do all you can to increase your steps.

Article taken in part from


All content on this website is provided for general information only, and should not be treated as a substitute for the medical advice of your own doctor or any other health care professional. Always consult your own GP if you’re in any way concerned about your health.





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