Mental Health

All about your emotional health

Easy and Natural Stress Busters

Reduce and relieve stress in as little as two minutes with these great calming tricks from 1. Sprinkle Fresh Nutmeg In India, they’ve long used nutmeg to shake off funky moods. Studies there show that inhaling nutmeg’s aromatic oils can kick-start the brain’s production of relaxing, stress-soothing alpha waves […]

Relaxation tips in Mallorca

Work Stress Study

Feeling stressed by your job? Don’t blame your employer a study shows. Work stress, job satisfaction and health problems due to high stress have more to do with genes than you might think, according to research by Timothy Judge, professor of management at the University of Notre Dame’s Mendoza College of […]

Stress at Work

Black Dog Tribe 3

1 in 4 people will suffer from a mental illness at some point in their lives. Until now the support has been really locked into the realms of therapist chairs and GP´s office. Until now… If you are a keen Twitterer you will have noticed there has been a movement […]

Worry and Strokes

Worrying Too Much Might Raise Your Risk for Stroke

Study found a personality trait called ‘harm avoidance’ also marked by self-doubt, fatigue High levels of a personality trait called harm avoidance — which includes excessive worrying, pessimism, fear and fatigue — is associated with a higher stroke risk, a new study indicates. It included 1,082 older adults without dementia […]

Living Together May Be Mentally Healthier Than Marriage: Study

Once the honeymoon’s over, wedded couples grow less happy and social, research claims Marriage offers few well-being advantages compared to living together, a new study contends. The study also found that the benefits of marriage diminish over time, while unmarried couples who live together experience greater happiness and self-esteem. Researchers […]

Healthy Relationships in Mallorca

Modern Day Stress in Mallorca

Your Smartphone May Be Stressing You Out

Compulsively checking your smartphone may not actually be that smart, British researchers warn. The cautionary observation stems from a new study that finds an association between the increasingly popular use of Web-enabled cellphones and a rise in stress levels. The reason: a relentless need to immediately review and respond to […]