health advice

3 Common Causes of Heavy Periods 2

All of us, from time to time, experience what we feel is unusually heavy bleeding during our menstrual periods. Fortunately, most often what we think is abnormal uterine bleeding is not excessive enough to be diagnosed as menorrhagia. How do you know when bleeding during your period is abnormally heavy? […]

Asthma 1

Asthma is a chronic disease in which sufferers have repeated attacks of difficulty in breathing and coughing. There seems to be an increase in the amount of asthma all over the world, especially in children. Asthmatics tend to be sensitive to various types of irritants in the atmosphere that can […]

Call to Measure Duration of Obesity

Doctors need to start counting “obese years”, say experts. Experts say the health hazards of obesity may have been grossly underestimated because we are not measuring the condition adequately. Risk calculations have focused on severity of weight gain alone and not how long it persists. Latest research suggests every additional […]


Malaria іѕ аn infection mаrkеԁ bу fever аnԁ shaking chills. Four different species οf thе Plasmodium parasite cause malaria. Whаt іѕ going οn іn thе body? Malaria occurs mainly іn thе tropical areas οf thе world, including Africa, Asia, аnԁ Central аnԁ South America. Humans bυу malaria through thе bite […]